Questions for One Day Cruise from Athens to Saronic Islands
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for One-day Cruise from Athens
Visit the website for the one-day cruise from Athens to 3 islands in the Saronic Gulf.
Dress Code
The dress code on our cruises is casual although please note that swim suites are allowed only on sun-decks.
Do ships have internet access?
At this point our ships do still not have internet access.
What is the smoking policy?
There are designated smoking and non-smoking areas throughout our ships.
Is there a kids program on board?
Our entertainment team (Dancers, Magician, Animator, Hostesses, etc.) pay special attention to children and make sure that they are kept amused throughout the cruise.
Is there a kids playroom?
Although there are no specially designated playrooms on our ships there is plentiful space for children to play. Of course, private space for children groups can be arranged upon request.
Which credit cards are accepted?
Yes, all major credit cards (i.e. American Express, VISA, Master Card & Diners) are accepted on our cruises.
Are traveler’s checks accepted?
Yes, traveler’s checks are accepted on our cruises.
Do you have casinos on board?
No, Greek Maritime Regulations do not allow gaming on one day cruises.
Do you cater to special diets?
Yes. Special diets can be catered to provided that a minimum prior notice of 2 days is given.
Do you have organized excursions?
Yes, organized excursions are offered on-board at an extra charge.
Can we arrange celebrations, birthdays etc. on board?
Yes, we can arrange special celebrations, birthdays, etc. in on-board public or private spaces.
What is the minimum age for one to travel alone (without a guardian) on your cruise ships?
18 years old.
Are there any luggage restrictions?
The passenger is allowed to carry on-board as luggage, only such personal effects which usually and reasonably are carried on board for voyages of this kind. For more details please refer to the “Standard Conditions of Carriage” section.
Can I bring liquor on board?
No. Due to company regulations we do not permit keeping & consumption of personal liquor stock.
Are there any Duty Free shops on board?
Our onboard gift shops issue tax deduction receipts for eligible customers and specified minimum amounts.
Can my family contact me onboard?
All geographical areas covered by our cruise programs are well covered by the Greek mobile phone network and therefore your private Mobile Phone will be operational and have a strong signal at all times.
Along with this please note that all our ships have a customer mobile phone number (available on request) that can be used for outside contact in case of urgency.
Are there safes available?
Yes, safes are available and the use can be arranged through our Ship’s Purser.
What time are meals served?
Meals are usually served between 12:00 and 15:00, the exact time depending on the cruise itinerary, number of clients, sitting schedule, etc.
Can we pre-book dining preferences?
Special diet requirement, preferred seating and tables can be pre-booked with a minimum notice of 2 days prior to the cruise.
What is not included in the cruise prices?
Costs that are not included in the basic cruise rate are: Optional shore excursions, drinks & beverages, items at onboard gift shops, etc.
Transfers to and from the port can be arranged and paid for through your Travel Agent or directly through our Booking Department.
Can physically challenged people travel?
Yes, physically challenged persons can travel. For safety reasons, persons who require assistance are permitted to travel only with their guardian, nurse or other suitable companion.
Should pregnant women travel?
For safety reasons we do not recommend traveling in the last phase of pregnancy.
What is the tipping policy?
Tips are accepted and are left to the discretion of the clients.
Is there a doctor onboard?
As a customer safety measure we always have First Aid trained staff on board during each of our cruises that further have contact with readily available full medical assistance in all ports of call.
As an extra precaution we also have on all ships a new state-of-the-art cardiac diagnostic apparatus (Cardio Express) which provides immediate on-line diagnostic and medical assistance to passengers with a possible heart condition.
Are there photographers onboard?
Yes, we have a team of photographers on board who take pictures during the whole cruise. The pictures are available at the end of the cruise at an additional charge.
What entertainment programs do you have on board?
During each cruise we have: Live Music, Folk Dances, Magician, Entertainer, etc.
Are pets allowed onboard?
Regretfully we can not accept pets onboard.
What should I take with me?
The items that we recommend you take with you are: Sun Protection Lotion (with high factor), Hat, Sun Glasses, Swimming Suite & Towel, Wind-Stopper, etc.
Visit the website for the one-day cruise from Athens to 3 islands in the Saronic Gulf.
Terms and Conditions for the Cruise from Athens to Aegina, Hydra and Poros islands
Neither the Carrier nor the Ship shall be liable for any loss of life, or personal injury which may be suffered whenever such events take place before the Passenger has embarked on board or while is ashore at an intermediate port, or after disembarkation at the final destination port. For such events, taking place on board the ship, the Carrier shall be responsible only if the interested party will be able to prove that the particular event, was caused by gross negligence of the Carrier, or his servants.
The Passenger is allowed to carry on board as luggage, only such personal effects which usually and reasonably are carried on board for voyages of this kind. Birds, dogs or any other pets or animals, cannot be carried along and will not be permitted on board. Passengers carrying dangerous, inflammable and contraband items or explosives will be reported immediately to the proper Public Authority and in any case, the passenger who will disregard this warning shall be compelled to reimburse the Carrier for whatever damage, expenses or sacrifices will result there from.
Documents, manuscripts, jewelry, money or other valuables of any kind shall not be included in the luggage and if they are, no liability whatsoever is assumed by the Carrier. Passengers who are carrying such valuables are to surrender them at their own risk, if so they wish, to the Ship’s Purser, in a sealed off package, to be placed, for safekeeping, in the Ship’s safe receiving a proper receipt therefore. The Passenger, on request, will receive back the same sealed off package, by presenting his receipt. The Carrier is in no event, liable for any loss, damage of delay in the redelivery of the said packages.
The Carrier retains the liberty and without previous notice
a) To cancel the contract refunding only the money to the passenger
b) To cancel, change or alter any sailing
c) To substitute the cruise ship by any other vessel
d) To change or modify the itinerary
The ship’s schedule must be strictly adhered to. In the event of the Passenger missing the ship at any of the ports of call listed in the cruise’s itinerary, the Carrier shall in no event be liable for such a mishap nor is expected to provide for alternative transportation.
The passage contract is subject to the Greek law. Any dispute on its execution is reserved to the exclusive jurisdiction on the courts of Greece.
It should be clearly understood that the owing company of the “One Day Cruise” does not undertake any responsibility of liability whatsoever for the organization or operation, etc. of such excursions which may include lunch or dinner ashore, participation in sport events, visits to theaters, cinemas, lectures, etc. and will not be liable in any case for illness, injury, death, loss, robbery, their or any other mishap nor for the lack of organization or delay, etc. which might occur during the excursion. Passengers participating in such excursions do so at their own risk and any complaint, which they might have, should be addressed to local persons who are providing the specific excursion service. The Passengers undertake the responsibility to indemnify the owning company of the “One Day Cruise” for any damages which the owner or his representatives might sustain, arising from the excursion arrangements, made on his behalf and for the damages the excursion operator might sustain from the passenger.
Children must always in custody of any adult appointed by their parents or by their legal guardian. In case that minors travels alone, they will be entrusted to the Master of the Ship.
Other Terms & Conditions as per the owning company of the “One Day Cruise” usual carriage contract available on demand at any booking agent or at the Chief’s Purser Office on board.
Safety Regulations
The owning company of the “One Day Cruise” safety management procedures are certified by the Hellenic Maritime Authorities which comply fully with the requirements of the international ISM (International Shipping Management) code.
Further, following Hellenic Coast Guard regulations all officers, crew and personnel are trained and regularly tested in proficiency in following emergency procedures in case of fire, recovery at sea, evacuation procedures, disaster at sea, etc.
Following the cruise departure there are announcements advising passengers to acquaint themselves with the ship’s safety procedures as well as where to find more information. There are displayed safety instructions and procedures at key points of each vessel.
For additional information Passengers can contact the ships Reception Desk or the Ship’s Purser.
Passenger’s Responsibility
Passengers must follow the shipping company’s security regulations and the ship’s captain’s rules concerning order and safety on board the ship. The rules are displayed in the terminals and on board the ships.
The shipping company and its representatives reserve the right to refuse passage to passengers who might pose a threat to the safety or other passengers, themselves or the ship.
The ship’s personnel have the right to refuse passage to persons who are under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, who display disturbing or threatening behavior, or who do not otherwise comply with the aforementioned rules concerning age, security or other regulations.
Lost and Found
Items found on our ships are sent to our company headquarters in Athens:
Athens Tour Greece
Tel: (+30) 698 6321287
Mail: moc.eceergruotsnehta @ofni
Working Hours: Monday – Saturday (07:00 – 20:00)
Sunday (07:00 – 12:00 & 18:00 – 20:00)
If you notice you’ve lost something immediately after the disembarkation, please contact the ships purser at the port.
Visit the website for the one-day cruise from Athens to 3 islands in the Saronic Gulf.